Your first API route

Similar to pages, you can define event handlers in your .app/server/api directory. These event handlers are automatically registered as API routes by Nitro.

Hello world route

We will create a /api/hello route that will return a greeting message.


You can test your API route by visiting http://localhost:3000/api/hello?from=world in your browser or by using curl:

Dynamic routes

You can also define dynamic routes by using the [paramName] syntax in either files or directories. For example, if you want to create a route that will have a dynamic id parameter, you can create a file named .app/server/api/product/[id].ts or a directory named [id] like .app/server/api/product/[id]/index.ts.

In addition to parameters, you can add suffixes to your dynamic routes. For example, you can create a route that will only accept POST requests by creating a file ending with .post.ts.


Useful resources:

Now that you have a page and an API route, you can connect them together. We will request the hello API route from the page created in the previous section and display the result.


We've seen that using the <BaseInput>, <BaseCard> and <BaseParagraph> components was very easy. You may also want to take a look at how we do form validation and explore form pages from the demo to learn more about how to build forms with Apollux.

Useful resources: