
Nuxt is a framework that combines a set of tools and libraries to create applications. It's important to know what tools are used in order to understand how to solve potential issues.

It uses Vite as a development tool, and Rollup to build the production version of your app.

We highly encourage you to both read their troubleshooting guides, as they might be able to help you to solve your issue.

Useful resources:

If you encounter issues that you can't solve, you can start the project in debug mode. This will enable the verbose mode of Nuxt, which will output more information in the console.

Vite also has a debug mode, which can be enabled by setting the DEBUG environment variable to vite:*.

You can send those logs to us on our support portal if you need help!

When the documentation layer is enabled, or when building the full demo, you may need to increase the memory limit of Node.js. This is because the documentation layer uses nuxt-component-meta to generate the components documentation. When building the demo, Rollup will also use a lot of memory to bundle the project.

You can use the VS Code debugger to debug your application. This is useful when you want to inspect the state of your application at a specific time.

Apollux has a pre-configured launch configuration for VS Code. You can use it by clicking on the "Run and Debug" button in the sidebar, and then selecting "fullstack: nuxt" in the dropdown.

Then you can define breakpoints in your code, and start the debugger. The debugger will stop at the breakpoints you defined, and you will be able to inspect the state of your application.

In addition to the breakpoints, you can also use the debugger keyword in your code to stop the execution of your application. This is useful when you want to inspect the state of your application at a specific time.

Useful resources:

You can install the Nuxt devtools which provide a set of tools to inspect your application. This is useful when you want to inspect the state of your application at a specific time, inspect components, pages, etc.

First you need to install the @nuxt/devtools package in your project:

Then simply enable the devtools in your .app/nuxt.config.ts file:


Useful resources: