
Dropdown left

Dropdowns have button shapes and are left aligned by default. Here is an example of a default dropdown button.

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Dropdown right

Dropdowns can also be right aligned. Use the orientation prop to change the alignment of the dropdown.

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Compact menu

Dropdowns menus can have a smaller width. Use the compact prop to change the width of the dropdown menu.

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Context left

Dropdowns can be used as context menus. Use the flavor prop with the context value to change the dropdown to a context menu.

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Context right

Dropdowns can be used as context menus. You can also align it to the right using the orientation prop.

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Text left

Dropdowns can also be used as text menus. Use the flavor prop with the text value to change the dropdown to a text menu.

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Text right

Dropdowns can also be used as text menus. Use the flavor prop with the text value to change the dropdown to a text menu.

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Icon slot

Dropdowns items can have an icon. Use the start slot to add an icon to the dropdown item.

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Avatar slot

Dropdowns items can have an avatar. Use the start slot to add an icon to the dropdown item.

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Menu header

Dropdowns menus can have a header. Use the headerLabel prop to add a header text to the dropdown menu.

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The size of the dropdown.
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The color of the dropdown.
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The label to display for the dropdown.
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The shape of the dropdown.
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The orientation of the dropdown.
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The flavor of the dropdown.
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The color of the button.
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The header label to display for the dropdown.
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The type of button.
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The value for the `rel` attribute on the button.
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The route to navigate to when the button is clicked.
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The title to display for the dropdown item.
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The color of the dropdown-item.
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The shape of the dropdown-item.
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Whether the button is disabled.
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Optional CSS classes to apply to the wrapper, label, input, addon, error, and icon elements.
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The text to display for the dropdown item.
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Using href instead of to result in a native anchor with no router functionality.
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The value for the `target` attribute on the button.
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This component has no props